Chemical Free Goat Milk Skin Products

Be simple like the Amish, but badass like a Commando

Miss Commando Warriors thrive on Commando Soaps and Lotions crafted with farm-fresh goat's milk for top-notch skin care goodies

Good for your Health - Good for the Earth

Collection: Commando Goat Lotion

 Non toxic Goat Lotion for the powerful women tired of being poisoned by  mainstream beauty products.  At Miss Commando we pride ourselves in using simple and minimal ingredients so you can feel confident and save with every purchase you make. But we don't stop there. Our products are stored in non chemical biodegradable hemp fiber containers and boxes sourced through US Hemp Inc. We are not only committed to your health but also to your environment. Together you can make a difference by becoming an Environmental Commando through Miss Commandos products.